Prenatal Massage
Deidre Comeau is dedicated to the highest quality of massage, specializing in chronic pain, along with many other modalities delivered with the most understanding care.

Prenatal massage is wonderful for relaxing tense muscles, improving circulation & mobility & helping mammas-to-be to feel relaxed! Massage therapy can increase blood flow which is so important while you are pregnant, and can help keep your lymphatic system working at peak efficiency!
Did you know that during pregnancy your centre of gravity changes due to the added weight of the baby in your belly?! Because of this, it can add stress to your neck, back, shoulders and abdominal muscles which can cause you to end up with an aching lower back, tight chest & more.
Benefits include:
Helping with insomnia
Reducing joint pain
Reducing neck & back pain
Relieving leg cramps
Relieving sciatica
Help to reduce swelling in your hands & feet (as long as not result of preeclampsia)
Reducing carpal tunnel pain
Relieving headaches & sinus congestion
It's important to speak to your massage therapist before receiving a prenatal massage, especially if you have any of the following conditions: morning sickness, diabetes, high blood pressure, abdominal pain or bleeding, preeclampsia, fever or any other complications.
*If anything, including your position, causes discomfort during your massage, let your massage therapist know right away.
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